Site Specific Request

Site Specific Design Request


Project Address
Project Address
Unless otherwise noted, a scanned version of the signed/sealed report will be emailed to the requestor. If additional requirements exist, these must be specified (e.g. "overnight (1) paper copy of wet signed/sealed report to … ")Typical processing time is one week, pending availability of third party engineering services.


If permit app has been submitted, the FPA or NOA # submitted MUST BE NOTED.
If project has not been installed yet, "as required" is an appropriate entry.
If project has not been installed yet, "as required" is an appropriate entry.
Deck type + thickness must be noted. Specify purlin type+thickness+spacing for open framing.



Use this link to find wind speed:
If the risk category is unknown, describe the current or proposed building use (e.g. "residential," "retail," "school," etc).
Note if the structure is fully enclosed (walls on all sides from ground to roof).
Note any special conditions or unique requirements below. If drawings are available, please attach a copy. Unless otherwise requested, the specific design considers wind uplift performance only. If other issues need to be considered, note those below.
Engineering Fee
By signing above, I certify that all of the information contained on this form is accurate, to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submission of a design request is no guarantee that the requested design is possible. Furthermore, I understand that the building department which has jurisdiction is the final authority on all code-compliance related issue. While uncommon, I understand that successful completion of this design request is no guarantee that the building department will concur.
Name of Person Signing
Name of Person Signing