
Informing & educating at every step
Customer education is an important part of what we do, and we are happy to provide detail manuals (instruction manuals) that are in-depth and detailed yet still readable. These manuals represent our current recommendations for installation, and are based on industry standards, feedback from the field, and the expertise of our internal team. Many DIY homeowners have installed their first metal roof based on these manuals (possibly with a little help from youtube).
In the state of Florida, installation must also conform with the appropriate product approval. View all of our product approvals here.
For more information, contact our knowledgeable sales team or check out our blog for a growing collection of helpful articles. We also offer a Contractor’s Advantage training course which features classroom and hands-on instruction.
Download instruction manuals
Manuals are now available in two forms: exposed fastener and hidden fastener.
Exposed fastener
Applicable for 5V Crimp, GulfRib™, GulfPBR™, GulfWave™
Hidden fastener
Applicable for GulfLok™, GulfSeam™, VersaLoc™, MegaLoc™, GulfSnap™
The Roof Talk blog

Gulf Coast Supply Ready to Serve Valdosta, Georgia After Hurricane Helene
Valdosta, GA – In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene, Gulf Coast Supply

Governor DeSantis Issued Executive Order – Language Required in Roofing Contracts
Governor DeSantis Issued Executive Order – Language Required in Roofing Contracts The Governor’s Executive Order #24-208,
Gulf Coast Supply Promotes Senior Leadership
Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, the trusted name for metal roofing for over 25 years, is
We're here to helpTell Us About Your Project
Our goal is to be present for our customers from start to finish. We are happy to talk with you about product questions, provide a free quote, or send over samples.